TC Chicago
Change is part of everyday life
Sometimes these changes include loss and lead to frustration, anger, sadness, and even confusion. These emotions make up the GRIEF experience.
You don't have to navigate this journey alone!
The Grief H.E.A.L. program is an easy to follow map that guides you step by step through life's changes.
Grief H.E.A.L. is a 12 week progrm that contains:​
2 hours of educational video content
90 minutes of guided meditations
25 written articles
13 journel prompts
Thought provoking reflection questions
Resources and references ​
Grief is the least discussed topic in the English speaking world, yet it affects one hundred percent of the society.
grief h.e.a.l. approaches loss in a unique way educating and creating a new conversation with the age old topic.
grief h.e.a.l. will teach you how to be active in your healing process. Gain the tools and use them for life changing effects.
You can be whole again after a lifetime of loss.
grief h.e.a.l. will guide you there.
We believe that addressing grief is key in living a
productive and joyful life.
By integrating our comprehensive grief h.e.a.l. program, you can transform your life and overcome the pain and anguish from experiencing life's losses.
By integrating our comprehensive
grief h.e.a.l. program, you can transform
your corporate culture into one that values compassion and productivity.
grief h.e.a.l. empowers management and employees alike to process grief effectively, leading to improved morale, enhanced teamwork, and a stronger bottom line.

H - Holistic Understanding - Grief is a multifaceted experience that impacts emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
E - Empowering with Education- Healing begins when individuals to take personal responsibility for their healing process through education and actionable steps.
A - Adaptability and Action - Flexible and self-paced ACTION centered curriculum allows participants to adapt their learning and healing to their personal needs and schedules.
L – Love: Rediscover the ability to love life after loss through healing the heart. Our program focuses on nurturing your emotional well-being, helping you to reconnect with joy, passion, and purpose. By healing from within, you can once again embrace life with a renewed sense of love and hope.
what people are saying:
~The grief h.e.a.l. program has been a game changer for me. When I became pregnant, I was so happy, but also scared and frustrated about the changes. I followed the simple daily steps and applied the tools for processing loss, and my emotions are so much more managible and I am hopeful for this new season in life.
CindySan Diego
~Last year I moved to a new city for a promotion at work. I know I should have been excited for the new opportunity but was overwhelmed by all of the changes. I began to isolate and the fear was paralyzing. I knew I needed to understand what was happening to me. I came across the grief heal program and learned that grief is a natural reaction to loss. Wow. Step by step, I began to understand that what I was going through was noramal and letting go of the guilt was so freeing.
Grateful in Georgia!
~Where has this education been all of my life? Had I known these simple concepts and effective tools, I may have avoided so much emotional pain. Get the tools and use them!